Hair Extensions
Transform your look
Do you want thicker, longer and more beautiful hair? We can help. At Sublime Hairdressing, we provide hair extension services that are specifically tailored to suit your needs. We also provide a no-obligation consultation where you will be taken through the hair extension process in detail.
We will also provide aftercare information and recommended products to help you to maintain the look of your fabulous new extensions!

Products we use:
- Easilocks – Easilocks uses mini tip application method which preserves the integrity of natural hair. It is undetectable to the eye and is comfortable to wear. They are available in variety of sizes, lengths, colours and textures
- AngelsLocks – AngelsLocks uses mini tip application that allows for a flawless and beautiful finish. It is designed to suit different hair types.
Contact us for professional hair extensions at an affordable price. Stop by our salon in Stirling for hair services.


Angels Locks - Full head

Easi Locks - Full head

Angels Locks - Thicken

Easi Locks - Thicken